Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SANAMAHI COSMOGONY : A Glimpse of the Concept of God and the Theory of Creation in the Pre-Hindu Religion of the Manipuris

Sanamahism is the pre-Vaishnavite religion of the Manipuris possessing its own concept of God, theory of creation and way of worshipping. It is also described as the “pre-Hindu heliefs of Meetei society” and the “ancient Meetei religion”. Sanamahism is based on a vast body of traditional or indigenous knowledge written in the archaic Manipuri or Meetei script dealing on the creation of the universe, the earth, man and the philosophy of life and death. Much parallels can be drawn between the beliefs in Sanamahism and the Judaic tradition, though adherents of the Sanamahi faith think that their beliefs are unique to them alone. Theory of creation of the universe and man in Sanamahism is particularly interesting from the perspective of the Bnei Menashe claim of Israelite connection. This matter has been dealt in some details in another paper entitled Muslim Kings in Hindu Cosmogony: Discovering the Biblical Exodus Route and Other Traces of the Judaic Tradition in the Medieval Manipuri Literature.


To understand the concept of God in the Sanamahi faith, the following passage from the Amailol Thilel Wakoklol Pukok is quoted as it lucidly summarizes the “indigenous” Manipuri view of God:

“O King of Gods, folding both hands in prayer
Let me begin writing
By worshipping thee-the Oneness of All Minds !

Haya Immortal Master!
I write by paying obeisance to thee
From the depth of my heart
O please thou art be not heedless.

Haya immortal God
There is no other God greater than thee
There is no other God who is like thee.
Immortal Lord of the Universe,
Thou art unseen but known from thy movement!”

Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen gives his opinion on the Sanamahi concept of God thus: “The concept of Sanamahi in the Sanamahi religion is a very complex one and the Supreme God is not worshipped in any fixed form. Idol worship is foreign to the Sanamahi religion… To the ancient Meetei race, when Science and Technology were not even heard of, it was believed that the Supreme Lord descends on earth for creation, hiding in the blood of male beign. So, it will be more than clear that Sanamahi is never in a fixed form (like idol). The Meetei (Manipuri) race is never image (idol) worshippers.” He also further elaborates : “ What is the relation between the God, the Supreme God and man in the Sanamahi religion ? We have to make it clear at this stage, we have already seen that according to the Meetei social tradition, the only God is the Father and the husband of the mother is only the Panthou. According to this Meetei philosophical thinking, nothing can father anything except the God Himself…So, to the Meetei race in the Sanamahi religion. The Supreme God is worshipped and beseeched His blessings, protection, kindness by the Meetei man and woman as if the sons and daughters ask their beloved father for anything they want from him”(sic) . “In Sanamahism, there is a belief in One God, underlying many gods and goddesses” writes Lukram Ingocha Singh.


Creation in the Sanamahi belief can be divided into two stages. The universe, including the heavens and earth, the sun, moon, stars, fire, air and water were created in the first stage by the Lord of the Universe. Living creatures and plant life on earth were created by Salailel Sitapa in the second stage which culminated in the creation of man-the last stage of creation. The first stage of creation is lucidly presented in following passage from the Amailol Thilel Wakoklol Pukok:
“When the Lord of the Universe was but the primordial indeterminate state
When there was nothing specific about the shape and form of the Universe
When there was neither Fire nor Air nor the Sun or the moon, nor the Stars
Nor even the distinction between Light and Darkness
When there was nothing but the Lord of the Universe Himself alone as the Primordial Indeterminate Indefinite state
Rolling on an on within Himself in that Primordial abode
The Lord of the Universe desired to create the Earth and the Heaven.
The Supreme Immortal Lord who is called the ONE
Concentrating within His Own Primal Infinite Intellect
Issued forth Fire, Water, Air in the course of the emergence of the Earth from the Infinite Whole Beign.
Features and Form of the Earth and Heaven had become determined.”

Wangkhemcha Chingtamlen gives the following comment: “The Lord of the Universe, the Puya says is Eepungloinapa Apakpa, literal probable meaning is ‘all inclusive infinite whole of being’. He includes all and nothing is outside Him. He causes everything and and is the source of everything. He was alone as Talang Malang or the primordial indeterminate indefinite state. He was there when there was not the Sun, the moon, the Earth and even before there was distinction between light and darkness. He is called the One. He wished to create the Universe. At the moment the Earth was brought forth from HIS Nungpung Wakhan or primal infinite intellect and suddenly the Earth, Fire, Water, Air came our. The sun, moon, the stars were created out of Him one by one.”

Thus after creating the universe, that is the Earth and the Heavens, the Lord of the Universe created seven “important gods” who were posted in seven important corners of the universe. Among these “important gods”, the seventh was Salailel Sitapa or the Immortal Sky God who was entrusted with the task of creating Man under instructions from the Lord of the Universe through Talang Laipao or “divine voice from the indeterminate space” A lucid account of the creation of man is given in the Khagemba Yumlep. R.K Jhalajit Singh summarizes the “central idea of the book” containing the creation of man thus: “The Lord of the Universe created the immortal sky god in His likeness from His thigh and and commanded him to create Man. The sky-god, through want of skill, created seven species of frogs in his attempt to create Man. On inspection, the Lord said that it was a blunder and the sky god was ashamed. He made a second attempt. This time he created seven species of monkeys and once more, the Lord said that the sky god had commited a blunder. The Lord of the Universe released the frogs into the water and the monkeys in the woods of the hills. He then stood up casting His shadow clearly on the ground. Man was created to take after the shadow of the Lord.” Thus was completed the creation of the universe with man as the last stage of creation.


The parallels that can be drawn between the Judaic and Sanamahi traditions may not be merely co-incidental judging from the presence of the word Elai in the name of the fifth Laipungthou or “impotant god” created by the Lord of the Universe. Elai Pulen Puling Lai Sitapa is the fifth “important god”. The word Alai is also found in the name of a supernatural beign Alai Konting in the Liethak Leikharon. There appears to be a definite substance behind the claims of the Bnei Menashe in their search for their lost roots.

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